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I played Paralyzis before this and I definitely recognize the step-up in development. As I said for that game, I really wanna see something that takes 3-4 months to develop. Investing more time in development would produce a further polished game that the player can create a real connection with.

Great work!  

(1 edit)

It caught me completely off guard haha

Very great short game... Entering the keypad got me as I was too slow a few times LOL 

I really like the game! It really made me wait a bit before open the doors because I had a feeling something was gonna happend, so it is really scary. Good job!

this was a cool little game! Got me a couple of times hahaha!

pretty interesting stuff great game

It was short and sweet, I enjoyed it, good work!

i downloaded the game but i found a goose on my desktop annoying me while i was playing heheh Xd

(2 edits)

This is a game about not doing it. That's right. Don't do it! Basically, we wake up underground and then have to try to escape. I died a lot but I eventually beat it! Pretty creepy game! I really enjoyed playing it and didn't expect to be as scared as I was. Thanks JN Squared!



This was one of the few times that I think the "Where am I? What's going on?" trope was used well. All the evidence points to a single creature and an isolated breach, but the reveal at the end showing that there are multiple creatures and a massive problem makes it make sense that the character had no idea that escaping the underground was worse than staying put.


Thank you for the insights! We definitely wanted to create an isolated atmosphere where you'd feel lost and uneasy while having to figure out the issue at hand. We enjoyed the playthrough and hope you'll come back for our future games. :)

Heyyy I got some jump scares of this game haha I would love to see more to this game, also I posted a video about it (in portuguese):

It was interesting, i think if we devloppe the game a little more it could be a really great game !

This game is very scary, very frightening when you finally see the creature. I loved playing it though. Wish I could have put a big red button on the F key for every time I died. xD  

(3 edits)

Amazing game!


Hi Gaming World, can you tell us what they were?


When i Pick a Keycard it Closes The Game 

But I Fixed it its okay

But The Game Is so so so Scary

When i Pick a Keycard it Closes The Game 

But I Fixed it its okay

But The Game Is so so so Scary

the dog be killin my vibe man

cool to see so many other people played this, i gotta see the updates to this game.

Amazing game!

Great little game! 

The "try again" option didn't seem to do anything. Fortunately, this game is short enough that it didn't really matter though. 

Hi EclecticCookie, thank you so much for playing our game and reporting this bug to us! Greatly appreciate it and we've immediately uploaded a new version correcting this issue!


If you enjoyed the video then please consider subscribing! If you did not enjoy the video then please tell me what you did not enjoy in the comments so I can improve :)

Hola, me encanto el juego, te hice un video en mi canal de youtube, espero subir mas partes. Me ha sacado varios sustos.

Deleted post

Really good game with good scares, nice job!


Hey! Nice game!

Genuinely loved this! helped me make one of my best videos so far! I hope you have time to check out my video (sorry for my failed attempt at pronouncing your names haha) i hope you enjoy my video :D

Very interesting...

just finished playing, and I gotta say, I really hope there is a sequel because I loved the story in this game! If you wanna check out my gameplay of this awesome game click the video 😬

Deleted post

Biggest jumpscare of my LIFE!!

I love the game, the only thing i have against it is it is a pain in the butt looking around for stuff because it is so dark. Other then that i have no complaints .

Nice short little game, I really enjoyed the style of this game. I got stuck in a door towards the beginning, but it was honestly quite funny. The fact that it is hard to see anything makes it even better, great job and good luck on any future projects!

i post content similar to this games style check me out!

Game was great from start to fiish. Loved the atmosphere; the creepy underground lab, the ominous messages, etc. They added so much more to the experience. The voice memos were really interesting as well and upped the creep factor on the creature. 

If I  had to suggest anything, it would be to make it so that you opened the creature's door way before you went deeper into the lab so it would be harder to get to the exit (When I played through I made it to the exit pretty fast without it getting to me), though I do believe you tried to do that with the long corridor at the sides. But yeah, an overall great short game with a lot packed into it! Good luck on your future projects!


Thnx for supporting linux + your game looks goo

The creature in this game is scary as heck 

Skip to 12:17, that is where "Don't Do It" starts.

I had to do it! XD , It is a fun little gem, very intense! cool creature design.

I did it !



Great game! It was confusing at first, but i figured it out, this game kinda reminded me of the scp containment breach with all this weird looking creatures escaping and then started killing people in this research lab but its a great game and i enjoyed it 

Here's my gameplay!

To be honest, it is not that bad. Though it could use some work. It does have potential, it really does. But what got made out of that potential is meh in my eyes. Either way, this is just my opinion. Happy I get to experience this! 4/10 :)

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